Saturday, April 29, 2017

Tool Time At Old Sneelock's Workshop

A fun bit of bring and brag at the shop.

Friday, April 28, 2017

Singer Model 66 Sewing Machine

Mom taught us how to sew on a button, patch our pants, and make some simple things.

Her sewing machine was really nice so we never tried it on multiple layers of heavy cloth. The Singer 66 will sew 4 layers of denim, leather, and a multitude of other materials.

Monday, April 24, 2017

Antique Store Finds ~ Irwin Auger Bit Box ~ by Old Sneelock's Workshop

Persistence and a good memory. Never be afraid to ask. You must have been told no at least once in your life. The second one is easier. :-)

Friday, April 21, 2017

Saturday, April 15, 2017

Antique Shop Finds

Hunting through stacks of rusty treasures can be addictive. I could quit anytime I want but I don't want to.

Cushman Chuck Disassemble & Clean

When I purchased my South Bend 9C Workshop Lathe 10 years or
so ago it came with a variety of tooling, including a 3 jaw self centering

Unfortunately the chuck only had the external jaws. Chuck
jaws are fitted to a specific chuck during manufacture. Finding a set to fit my
chuck turned out to be difficult if not impossible.

I was able to purchase a Cushman 5” diameter 3 jaw chuck on Ebay. Little did I
know that it was workable but not right.

Sharpening A Disston #28 Tool Box Saw

Sharpening A Disston #28 Tool Box Saw 4/15/17                                    

I didn’t know that when I went to the Dowling Community Sale I would find a gem amidst the junk. The Disston #28 Tool Box Saw is a fully fledged saw designed to meet a specific need. 

Thursday, April 13, 2017


When Lydia posted her idea for a garden planter on her page I started looking for an old wheel borrow to use. No luck.
So I'm making one.

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Saw Sharpening tools and their use.

As I progress through the learning curve of saw sharpening I have been recording the process. This is what I have learned.

Workshop Organization

Finding tools after a long hunt is kind of fun at a flea market or antique shop. In your own workshop? Not so much.
Having the tools where you can reach them is the first step. Tool boxes, shelves, and drawers are useful but wall racks are the way to go.

Saturday, April 1, 2017

Adjusting Hand Grinder Spindle Lash - a video tutorial by Old Sneelock's...

This little bench grinder has the spindle at right angles to the crank. The result is the wheel is easier to reach.